How to Create an Irresistible Invitation to Engage

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How to Create an Irresistible Invitation to Engage

It’s possible that we make too much of ‘the new year.’  It’s the same year after all, with a little cultural window dressing added.  Perhaps we want to believe that we get a ‘new start’ or that the goals we imagine achieving really are critical to our living the life we desire.

How to Create an Irresistible Invitation to Engage Blog PictureOlder folks know that each year runs into the next seamlessly flowing from the year before and that quality of living grows, not from goals, but from daily even hourly decisions.  It’s not the ‘ten phone calls daily’ that a motivational coach urged you to make – that will grow your business and therefore your bottom line, but the integrity, purpose and passion of the first phone call, that positions you for greater access to abundance.

That call, if true, can change the world.  If true.  That call, if coming out of serious self reflection, an inventory of values and commitments, a tuning in to what really wags your tail – that call, opens to an irresistible invitation to engage.

If you get that abundance in life is a consequence of integrity, conscientiousness, and passion then you’ll get that the ‘bottom line’ is only one metric and not the most powerful one at that in measuring the quality of your life.

Mythologist, story teller, extraordinary leader, Michael Meade, reminds us this way, of life’s real purpose:
“An old idea suggests that each person’s life is also a question being asked of the world; each life a specific question that isn’t completely answered until a person’s last breath goes out.  Regardless of the conditions affecting the outer world, the old idea was to enter the question of one’s own life fully and become the living answer.”  Michael Meade

Stephen W. Frueh PhD is a coach, speaker, consultant, father and husband. He can be reached at:
805 338 4286

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