The Week Before Christmas

 In Blogging

The week before Christmas

Why not try something different in honoring the shared joy and celebration we reach for at year’s end?

I like to think of this multifaceted celebration – the ending of short days, the beginning of lengthening days; the reminder of an evergreen earth; the marvel of new birth; even the mystery of community (“oh come all ye faithful..”) as a time natural to the seasons of our soul.  And we want to come together, to perhaps ritualize our need for intimate connecting.

There is a longing, I believe, in each of us, to have someone special ‘see’ us.  See that we love.  See that we show up.  See that however cranky or out of touch we’ve been lately – our intention, our caring is real.  At this time of year we do that by buying gifts.  But maybe there’s a better way.

We all know the dryness of summer and the chill of winter within.  We are familiar with disappointment as we are familiar with looking forward, with hope.  Perhaps we each would do well to celebrate the birth of the ‘unique child within’ – that gift that we bring to the world.

This celebratory moment could be crafted by each of us, the ‘starting point’ or launch pad being to give – what we do most naturally.

I know a woman who didn’t discover her natural gift of seeing a living space uniquely, until well into mid life.  She is an artist around color, space and placing of furniture.  So, one Christmas, as a gift to her friends she offered a visit in which she ‘masterminded’ a room in their home.  Although her business soon became helping people design their interior living spaces, she offered her gift to her friends as a gift – no strings attached.

Some of you write beautifully, some sing, some are exquisite story tellers.  Offer your gift to those open to receive it.  It’s free and far more powerful than the one duty would have offered.

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